Expression of interest 2024

INTERSOS and UNHCR are glad to launch the expression of interest of PartecipAzione 2024.

PartecipAzione is dedicated to supporting refugee-led associations that actively contribute to the integration and active participation of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons in Italy. 

For over 6 years, we have been working together with associations in Italy to build inclusive practices and more cohesive local communities.

Through the funds that we make available to refugee-led associations, we want to support them in their path for development and local growth. This tool is part of a broader program aimed at promoting refugee associations as emerging actors alongside other civil society associations, advocating for their rights and their inclusion in society.

The programme provides associations with:

  • A structured training scheme aiming at strengthening capacities in different areas (including project writing, project management, fundraising, communication and refugee protection);
  • A microgrant for the implementation of the proposed project;
  • Individualised support with project writing, implementation and reporting;
  • Networking opportunities with other associations of PartecipAzione’s network.

The selection process to join the programme in 2024 includes two phases: 

  • Phase 1: applications are open from 1 February to 1 March for associations that are interested in participating in the Programme.
  • Phase 2: only associations meeting the selection criteria will proceed to the second phase of the process and will be accompanied in the definition of a comprehensive project proposal. 

Before submitting your application, please read the GUIDELINES carefully for more information regarding the associations eligible to apply and the stages and criteria of the selection process.

The deadline for submitting your expression of interest has been extended to the 3rd of March 2024 at 11:00 pm. 

Associations working in Italy to promote integration and participation of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons can participate. The associations’ proposals must be in line with the objectives of the Programme (protection, integration, social inclusion).

You can watch the recording of the live online broadcast held on Monday 12 February 2024 to get all the information you need about PartecipAzione 2024 at this link.

Thank you for your interest in joining the programme!



Contact us

If you are an association interested to participate, and you have questions or need help, you can write at this email address.

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un programma di empowerment e capacity building realizzato da